Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SMAC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Special Mission Attack ComputerTechnology
- Source Medium Access ControlTechnology
- Scene Matching Area CorrelatorTechnology
- Senate Military Affairs CommitteeCommon
- Sequential Multiple Analyzer ComputerMedical
- Shielded Metal-Arc CuttingCommon
- Shipment Mobility Accountability CollectionScience
- Shipping Mobility/Accountability CollectionScience
- Sid Meier's Alpha CentauriTechnology
- Society of Management Accountants of CanadaCommon
- Soluble Membrane Attack ComplexMedical
- Somali Mine Action CenterCommon
- Sorbitol Macconkey AgarMedical
- Sorbitol-MacconkeyMedical
- Source Media Access ControlTechnology
- Spacecraft Maximum Allowable ConcentrationScience
- Standing Medical Advisory CommitteeMedical
- State Mapping Advisory CommitteeScience
- State Mapping Advisory CouncilOrganizations
- State Minerals Advisory CouncilCommon
SMAC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary