Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SMAC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Special Mission Attack ComputerTechnology
- Source Medium Access ControlTechnology
- System Monitor and ControlCommon
- Suspect Material Action CommitteeScience
- Surrogate Marker Cost-EfficacyMedical
- Supramolecular Activation ClusterMedical
- Superior Mesenteric Arterial ConductanceMedical
- Summer Monetary Assistance ContributionEducation
- Students of Minnesota Athletic CouncilEducation
- Student Mentoring Another ClassEducation
- Storage Multiple Access ControlCommon
- State Minerals Advisory CouncilCommon
- State Mapping Advisory CouncilOrganizations
- State Mapping Advisory CommitteeScience
- Standing Medical Advisory CommitteeMedical
- Spacecraft Maximum Allowable ConcentrationScience
- Source Media Access ControlTechnology
- Sorbitol-MacconkeyMedical
- Sorbitol Macconkey AgarMedical
- Somali Mine Action CenterCommon
SMAC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary