Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Military PoliceMilitary
- Melting PointTechnology
- Member of ParliamentGovernment
- Management PackageTechnology
- Mass PropertiesTechnology
- Measuring PointTechnology
- Medium PressureScience
- Meteorology PanelTechnology
- Mission PlannerTechnology
- Multiple ProcessorsTechnology
- Main PhaseTechnology
- Merry PartChat and Slang
- Minimum PhaseTechnology
- Maintenance PointTechnology
- Management ProcessScience
- Massively ParallelTechnology
- Mathematical ProgrammingTechnology
- Mean PressureScience
- Media PlayerTechnology
- Membrane PotentialMedical
MP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary