Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Marginal ProductBusiness
- Margo PlicatusMedical
- Marine PoliceCommon
- Marine PollutionCommon
- Maritime PatrolMilitary
- Marketing PackageTechnology
- Mars PathfinderScience
- Marshall PublicEducation
- Mass PointCommon
- Massiv ParallelTechnology
- Master of PlanningCommon
- Master PainterCommon
- Master PatternMilitary
- Master PatternmakerCommon
- Master PlanMilitary
- Master PlumberCommon
- Master PrinterCommon
- Master ProcessorBusiness
- Master PulseCommon
- MastoparanMedical
MP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary