Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ICE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- International Cometary ExplorerTechnology
- IcingMilitary
- In-Circuit EmulatorTechnology
- Information and Content ExchangeTechnology
- Institution of Civil EngineersTechnology
- Internal Combustion EngineTechnology
- Input Checking EquipmentTechnology
- Input Control ElementScience
- Integrated Computing EnvironmentTechnology
- Immigration and Customs EnforcementGovernment
- In Case of EmergencyOrganizations
- In-Circuit-EmulationTechnology
- Independent Cost EstimateTechnology
- Institute of Chartered EngineersBusiness
- Instrument Checkout EquipmentScience
- Instrument Control ElectronicsScience
- Integrated Circuit EngineeringMilitary
- Integrated Computer EnvironmentScience
- Interactive Connectivity EstablishmentTechnology
- Interface Configuration ExperimentScience
ICE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary