Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ICE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- In-Circuit EmulationTechnology
- Incremental Cost-EffectivenessMedical
- Independent Cost EstimatesMilitary
- Index of Combat EffectivenessMilitary
- Industrial Combustion EmissionsScience
- Information Center for the EnvironmentOrganizations
- Information Content ExchangeTechnology
- Initial Communications ElementMilitary
- Insertion Communications EquipmentCommon
- Institute for Chemical EducationCommon
- Institute for Consumer ErgonomicsCommon
- Institute for Continuing EducationEducation
- Institute of Ceramic EngineersCommon
- Institute of Civil EngineersTechnology
- Institute of Control EngineeringCommon
- Institution of Chemical EngineersCommon
- Instituto Costarriceuse De ElectricidadCommon
- Instructional Computing EnvironmentEducation
- Instrument Control ExecutiveTechnology
- Instrument/Communication EquipmentScience
ICE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary