Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ICC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Interstate Commerce CommissionMilitary
Instrument Control CenterTechnology
International Chamber of CommerceTechnology
International Code CouncilGovernment
Information Coordination CenterMilitary
Intelligence Coordination CenterMilitary
Interface Control ChartScience
Intermarket Clearing CorporationBusiness
Ignition Control CompoundScience
Increased Cost of ComplianceBusiness
Intelligent Communications ControlTechnology
International Color ConsortiumTechnology
International Computation CenterCommon
International Conference on CommunicationsTechnology
Interstitial Cells of CajalScience
Inuit Circumpolar ConferenceScience
Isdn Communications ControllerTechnology
Iaps Card CageTechnology
Ic Central NucleusMedical
Idiopathic Chronic ConstipationMedical
ICC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary