Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ICC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Instrument Center CorrectionCommon
Instrument Control ComputerScience
Integrated Cell CultureScience
Integrated Circuit CardCommon
Integrated Circuit CardsTechnology
Integrated Circuit ChipMilitary
Integrated Command and ControlScience
Integrated Control CenterMilitary
Integration and Certification CenterTechnology
Integration Competency CenterTechnology
Intelligent Cruise ControlTechnology
Intensive Consolidation ChemotherapyMedical
Intensive Coronary CareMedical
Inter Class CompetitionEducation
Inter-Comparison CentreScience
Inter-Component CommunicationTechnology
Interagency Coordinating CommitteeScience
Interagency Coordinating CouncilEducation
Intercalated CellsMedical
Interclass Correlation CoefficientMedical
ICC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary