Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does CDP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Cisco Discovery ProtocolTechnology
Circular Diffraction PatternCommon
Certified Digital ProviderCommon
Center for Design PlanningCommon
Census Designated PlacesScience
Career Development ProgramTechnology
Landing Craft Air Cushion Departure PointMilitary
Cytidine DiphosphateMedical
Cytidine 5'-DiphosphateMedical
Crystalline Degradation ProductMedical
Crl Distribution PointTechnology
Course Data ProcessingMilitary
Coulee Dam PoliceGovernment
Coronary Drug ProjectMedical
Cord Dorsum PotentialsMedical
Cord Dorsum PotentialMedical
Control and Display PanelMilitary
Contracted Density ProductScience
Continuous Distending PressureMedical
CDP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary