Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does CDP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Company Distributing PointMilitary
- Computerized Data ProcessingCommon
- Contract Definition PhaseTechnology
- Correlated Data ProcessorCommon
- Cresyl Diphenyl PhosphateCommon
- Critical Decision PointCommon
- Calcium-Dependent ProteaseMedical
- Cancer Detection and PreventionMedical
- Capacity Development PlanScience
- Capital Developments PoolOrganizations
- Carbon Disclosure ProjectCommon
- Career Development ProfilingEducation
- Cartographer Development ProgramScience
- Cask Decontamination PitTechnology
- Ccaat Displacement ProteinMedical
- Census Designated PlaceScience
- Center for Domestic PreparednessGovernment
- Certification in Data ProcessingCommon
- Chagas' Disease PatientsMedical
- Chef De PartieBusiness
CDP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary