Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does CDP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Checkout Data ProcessorTechnology
- Command Data ProcessorScience
- Committee of Directors of PolytechnicsEducation
- Central Data ProcessorCommon
- Centralized Data ProcessingCommon
- Certificate in Data ProcessingTechnology
- Certified Data ProcessorTechnology
- Compressor Discharge PressureTechnology
- Conceptual Design PlanScience
- Crustal Dynamics ProjectScience
- Career Development ProgramTechnology
- Census Designated PlacesScience
- Center for Design PlanningCommon
- Certified Digital ProviderCommon
- Circular Diffraction PatternCommon
- Cisco Discovery ProtocolTechnology
- Common Depth PointScience
- Communication Data ProcessorTechnology
- Communications Data ProcessorCommon
- Compact Disk PlayerCommon
CDP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary