Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ALC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Allis-ChalmersOrganizations
- Automatic Level ControlTechnology
- AlcoholMedical
- Application Limiting ConstituentScience
- Acceptable Level of CompetenceScience
- Acetyl-l-CarnitineMedical
- Adaptation Layer ControllerTechnology
- Agency Location CodeBusiness
- Airline Link ControlTechnology
- Alternative Learning CenterEducation
- American Life ConventionBusiness
- Approximate Lethal ConcentrationMedical
- Arithmetic and Logic CircuitsTechnology
- Assembly Language CodingCommon
- Asynchronous Layered CodingCommon
- Automatic Leveling CircuitScience
- Automatic Light ControlScience
- Automatic Load ControlMilitary
- Absolute LymphocyteMedical
- Absolute Lymphocyte CountMedical
ALC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary