Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ALC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Alltrista Corp.Organizations
- Altered Level of ConsciousnessMedical
- Alternate Level of CareMedical
- Alternate Logistic Support Analysis Control NumberMilitary
- Alternate Logistics ControlTechnology
- Alternative Lsa ControlCommon
- Alternative Lsa Control Number CodeTechnology
- Alveolar Liquid ClearanceMedical
- Analog Leased CircuitTechnology
- Anaplastic Large CellMedical
- Anterior Lens CapsuleMedical
- Anterolateral CutMedical
- Application Level CheckpointingCommon
- Application Load CertificateTechnology
- Area Logistics CommandMilitary
- Argon Laser CoagulationMedical
- Arithmetic and Logic CircuitCommon
- Arithmetic Logic CircuitMilitary
- Arizona Labor CouncilOrganizations
- Arkansas Library CommissionCommon
ALC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary