229 Quotations with Terror.
- 141. Gordon England: This is a war against terrorists. Not a war against a religion, but a war agains ...

- 142. Bob Etheridge: The federal government has a responsibility to protect all Americans from potent ...

- 143. Terry Everett: September 11 began like many Tuesday mornings in Washington, DC. As the notoriou ...

- 144. Suzanne Fields: We expect hassles when we travel. It's our patriotic duty to grin if possible bu ...

- 145. Suzanne Fields: You can't walk through a neighborhood in most Muslim communities without being e ...

- 146. Matthew Fox: Another part of beauty is terror. The world isn't pretty, it's beautiful. Awe is ...

- 147. Bill Frist: September 11 taught us that the front lines of a catastrophic terror attack are ...

- 148. David Lloyd George: A fully equipped Duke costs as much to keep up as two Dreadnoughts, and Dukes ar ...

- 149. A. Bartlett Giamatti: There are many who lust for the simple answers of doctrine or decree. They are o ...

- 150. Christine Gregoire: Surely no issue unites us more than our appreciation for our military personnel ...

- 151. Kenny Guinn: The terrorist attacks of September 11th did far more than destroy the World Trad ...

- 152. Bernard H. Goetz: When you are surrounded by four people, one of them smiling, taunting, demanding ...

- 153. George Grove: Our songs touch people, and take them back to a time when there was no threat of ...

- 154. Alexander Haig: Syria is a terrorist state by any definition and is so classified by the State D ...

- 155. Josh Hartnett: It's not scary to make a horror film because you get to pull back the curtain an ...

- 156. Orrin Hatch: Our heroes are fighting to bring stability to the Middle East, and they have put ...

- 157. Tom Hayden: In Miami, there were only a couple thousand protesters in a city that is heavily ...

- 158. David Horowitz: The Palestine Authority cannot be changed or reformed from within. It is a corru ...

- 159. David Hunt: Because of the 9/11 commissions, people are sweating scared about what happened. ...

- 160. David Hunt: The FBI is a fabulous crime-fighter, the best in the world, but they need to get ...

Terror Quotes by Power Quotations