229 Quotations with Terror.
- 121. Jacques Chirac: Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or sel ...

- 122. Jacques Chirac: Terrorism takes us back to ages we thought were long gone if we allow it a free ...

- 123. Noam Chomsky: Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: s ...

- 124. Winston Churchill: It may be that we shall by a process of sublime irony have reached a stage in th ...

- 125. Hillary Clinton: Every nation has to either be with us, or against us. Those who harbor terrorist ...

- 126. William J. Clinton: The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq p ...

- 127. Norm Coleman: Let us never forget that terrorism at its heart, at its evil heart, is a psychol ...

- 128. John Cornyn: The enemy is not just terrorism. It is the threat posed specifically by Islamist ...

- 129. Jon Corzine: If the Bush Administration cannot ensure Americans that they will be safe from t ...

- 130. Ann Coulter: Liberals become indignant when you question their patriotism, but simultaneously ...

- 131. Larry Craig: Congress has a responsibility to make sure our taxpayer dollars are being spent ...

- 132. Ice Cube: We come from the days when rap used to agitate the mainstream. Now it's more bud ...

- 133. Tom Delay: In short, it is the position of the people of the United States, as expressed by ...

- 134. Elizabeth Dole: Iraq is the central battleground in the war on terror. The terrorists certainly ...

- 135. Elizabeth Dole: Our ability to turn over control to a peaceful and sovereign Iraqi government is ...

- 136. Elizabeth Dole: The terrorists know what is at stake, which is why they are pulling out all the ...

- 137. Niels Diffrient: Today the ringing of the telephone takes precedence over everything. It reaches ...

- 138. Edward Dowling: The two greatest obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first, the wid ...

- 139. Shirin Ebadi: Terrorism is based on two major pillars: One is injustice, and the other is a ce ...

- 140. Shirin Ebadi: When a person is humiliated, when his rights are being violated, and he does not ...

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