1830 Quotations with Tent.
- 1761. John Hancock Field: All worthwhile men have good thoughts, good ideas and good intentions--but preci ...

- 1762. Dame Cicely Veronica Wedgewood: Discontent and disorder signs of energy and hope, not despair.

- 1763. Warren Bennis: Too many people are mere products of their context, lacking the will to change, ...

- 1764. Timothy Ray Miller: What is the value of a meteor shower, a symphony, a good belly laugh, a poem, a ...

- 1765. Wendy M. Wright: discernment is not simply about resisting what is evil, self-absorbed, or destru ...

- 1766. Lawrence LeShan: Heroics have no place in real personality growth. Hard and consistent work do ha ...

- 1767. Abraham Maslow: From Freud we learned that the past exists now in the person. Now we must learn, ...

- 1768. Francis Wilson: Each human organism is conceived with a potential for becoming a complete human ...

- 1769. Abraham Maslow: It looks as if there were a single ultimate goal for mankind, a far goal toward ...

- 1770. Anne Lamott: for some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a ...

- 1771. Martin Buber: The key to truth is the next deed, and this key opens the door if one does what ...

- 1772. Karl Jaspers: But inaction itself is a kind of action, and it has consequences. Consistently a ...

- 1773. Karl Jaspers: But we cannot avoid conflict, conflict with society, other individuals and with ...

- 1774. M. Scott Peck: Ordinary life, our earthly existence, is often dull. Romance is exciting. Our mo ...

- 1775. Martin Buber: In each man there is a priceless treasure that is in no other... Every man's for ...

- 1776. Karl Jaspers: I want everyone to be the way I strive to become -- to be himself in his truth. ...

- 1777. Erich Fromm: Happiness is the indication that man has found the answer to the problem of huma ...

- 1778. Carolyn Forche: When you attend to something with true meditative attention, you awaken it in a ...

- 1779. Kahlil Gibran: Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and ...

- 1780. Lao Tse: The highest good is like water.

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