1830 Quotations with Tent.
- 1741. Socrates: the right way is to give one's attention first to the highest good of the young, ...

- 1742. Lucius Anneaus Seneca: A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it be--without wishing for what he ...

- 1743. Phillipians 4:11: I have learned, in whatsoever state I am in, therewith to be content.

- 1744. David Grayson: Joy of life seems to me to arise from a sense of being where one belongs...of be ...

- 1745. Lord Byron: Of all the horrid, hideous notes of woe,

- 1746. William Ellery Channing: To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refin ...

- 1747. Barbara Sher: If you don't pay attention to what you love, you could overlook your greatest gi ...

- 1748. Jeanne Moreau: Age doesn't protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from a ...

- 1749. Charles De Gaulle: A man of character finds a special attractiveness in difficulty, since it is onl ...

- 1750. Myla Kabat-Zinn: Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes and open my heart.

- 1751. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Whether we like it or not, each of us is constrained by limits on what we can do ...

- 1752. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: To live means to experience--through doing, feeling, thinking. Experience takes ...

- 1753. Thomas J. Watson: Within us all there are wells of thought and dynamos of energy which are not sus ...

- 1754. Rabbi Zelig Pliskin: Character is developed one positive action at a time. Therefore nothing is actua ...

- 1755. Sarah Ban Breathnach: life never calms down long enough for us to wait until tomorrow to start living ...

- 1756. L.G. Eliot: Act as though everything you do, rightly or wrongly, accurately or carelessly, m ...

- 1757. Peter McWilliams: Our thoughts create our reality--not instantly, necessarily, as in "Poof! There ...

- 1758. William Ogden: There was never a time when so much official effort was being expended to produc ...

- 1759. Blaine Lee: power is not really good or bad; it is neutral. Power itself is not negative or ...

- 1760. Sarah Ban Breathnach: Think of the steady, reassuring rhythm of the natural world--the ebb and flow of ...

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