160 Quotations with Serving.
- 101. Cyril Connolly: We are all serving a life sentence in the dungeon of the self.

- 102. Georg C. Lichtenberg: We cannot remember too often that when we observe nature, and especially the ord ...

- 103. St. Teresa of Avila: We know only that we are living in these bodies and have a vague idea, because w ...

- 104. Barbara De Angelis: We need to find the courage to say NO to the things and people that are not serv ...

- 105. Charles Fillmore: We shall serve for the joy of serving, prosperity shall flow to us and through u ...

- 106. William Shakespeare: We wound our modesty and make foul the clearness of our deservings, when of ours ...

- 107. Lady Gregory: Well, there's no one at all, they do be saying, but is deserving of some punishm ...

- 108. Manuel Arango: Well-being is not found in isolation, possessions, or power itself; it usually a ...

- 109. Benjamin Franklin: When I am employed in serving others, I do not look upon myself as conferring fa ...

- 110. John W. Gardner: When people are serving, life is no longer meaningless.

- 111. Albert Einstein: Where the world ceases to be the scene of our personal hopes and wishes, where w ...

- 112. Victor Cousin: You can only govern men by serving them. The rule is without exception.

- 113. Buddha: You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving ...

- 114. Yogi Berra: You can see a lot by observing.

- 115. Edmund Burke: Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he be ...

- 116. Joe Tye: Fear of success is far more dangerous than fear of failure, because the subconsc ...

- 117. Wayne Allard: The successful establishment of a buffer zone around Fort Carson will provide an ...

- 118. Annie Besant: I will suggest that the great aim of our education is to bring out of the child ...

- 119. Omar N. Bradley: In a completely integrated unit where you'd have white soldiers, particularly fr ...

- 120. Charlie Bell: The biggest threat to McDonald's lies within - and that is us as a company becom ...

Serving Quotes by Power Quotations