160 Quotations with Serving.
- 81. Hippocrates: Sometimes give your services for nothing, calling to mind a previous benefaction ...

- 82. St. Augustine: Temperance is love surrendering itself wholly to Him who is its object; courage ...

- 83. Denis Diderot: The arbitrary rule of a just and enlightened prince is always bad. His virtues a ...

- 84. Charles Morgan: The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to a particular mo ...

- 85. Peter Conrad: The camera is a killing chamber, which speeds up the time it claims to be conser ...

- 86. Peter Conrad: The camera is a killing chamber, which speeds up the time it claims to be conser ...

- 87. Gifford Pincbot: The conservation of natural resources is the key to the future.... The very exis ...

- 88. Gifford Pincbot: The conservation of natural resources is the key to the future.... The very exis ...

- 89. J. Z. Young: The continuous invention of new ways of observing is man's special secret of liv ...

- 90. Robert J. McCracken: The most infectiously joyous men and women are those who forget themselves in th ...

- 91. John Stuart Mill: The only power deserving the name is that of masses, and of governments while th ...

- 92. Elbert Hubbard: The pathway to success is in serving humanity. By no other means is it possible, ...

- 93. Billy Corgan: The Pumpkins love rock-and-roll, we absolutely love it, but we also think it's a ...

- 94. Robertson Davies: The world is burdened with young fogies. Old men with ossified minds are easily ...

- 95. Ralph Waldo Emerson: The worst of charity is that the lives you are asked to preserve are not worth p ...

- 96. John Ruskin: They are good furniture pictures, unworthy of praise, and undeserving of blame.

- 97. Richard of Saint Victor: This gift is from God and not of man's deserving. But certainly no one ever rece ...

- 98. Author Unknown: To a well deserving person God will show favor. To an ill deserving person He wi ...

- 99. George Washington: To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.

- 100. George W. Bush: Together, we can show that what matters in the end are not possessions. What mat ...

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