Famous Quotes
216 Quotations with Necessity.
- 121. Thomas A. Edison: Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Sh ...
- 122. George Gurdjieff: Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. ...
- 123. George Gurdjieff: Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. ...
- 124. Emma Goldman: Since every effort in our educational life seems to be directed toward making of ...
- 125. Rose Macaulay: Sleeping in a bed -- it is, apparently, of immense importance. Against those who ...
- 126. F. Scott Fitzgerald: Some men have a necessity to be mean, as if they were exercising a faculty which ...
- 127. Henry David Thoreau: Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. Money is not required to buy one ...
- 128. Friedrich Nietzsche: The ascetic makes a necessity of virtue.
- 129. Lord Byron: The beginning of atonement is the sense of its necessity.
- 130. Robert Benchley: The biggest obstacle to professional writing is the necessity for changing a typ ...
- 131. Derby Brown: The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising soone ...
- 132. Derby Brown: The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising soone ...
- 133. James Baldwin: The establishment of democracy on the American continent was scarcely as radical ...
- 134. Nelson Algren: The hard necessity of bringing the judge on the bench down into the dock has bee ...
- 135. Henry Ford: The high wage begins down in the shop. If it is not created there it cannot get ...
- 136. Author Unknown: The law of nature is the strictest expression of necessity.
- 137. F. A. Wickett: The most urgent necessity in human life is to be able to face life victoriously. ...
- 138. F. A. Wickett: The most urgent necessity in human life is to be able to face life victoriously. ...
- 139. Edmund Burke: The objects of a financier are, then, to secure an ample revenue; to impose it w ...
- 140. Niccolo Machiavelli: The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of ...