Famous Quotes
216 Quotations with Necessity.
- 201. Pablo Picasso: Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the alarm clock.
- 202. James Knox Polk: Although... the Chief Magistrate must almost of necessity be chosen by a party a ...
- 203. Odilon Redon: While I recognize the necessity for a basis of observed reality... true art lies ...
- 204. Alexis de Tocqueville: In the United States, the majority undertakes to supply a multitude of ready-mad ...
- 205. Martin Tupper: God, from a beautiful necessity, is Love.
- 206. Mark Twain: In India, cold weather is merely a conventional phrase and has come into use thr ...
- 207. Martin Van Buren: To avoid the necessity of a permanent debt and its inevitable consequences, I ha ...
- 208. Jones Very: As long as man labors for a physical existence, though an act of necessity almos ...
- 209. Voltaire: Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them ...
- 210. Alfred North Whitehead: Necessity is the mother of invention is a silly proverb. Necessity is the mother ...
- 211. Samuel Warren: What is difficulty? Only a word indicating the degree of strength requisite for ...
- 212. J. J. Rousseau: God is intelligent; but in what manner? Man is intelligent by the act of reasoni ...
- 213. Pythagorus: Ability and necessity dwell near each other.
- 214. William Shakespeare: And nature must obey necessity.
- 215. Martin Luther King, Jr.: My personal trails have also taught me the value of unmerited suffering. As my s ...
- 216. Ben Franklin: Necessity never made a good bargain.