5889 Quotations with Make.
- 5541. Dave Winfield: Everyone has a breaking point, turning point, stress point, the game is permeate ...

- 5542. Dave Winfield: Tom Cruise only makes one or two film appearances a year. A baseball player can ...

- 5543. Estelle Winwood: My advice to actresses is don't worry about your looks. The very thing that make ...

- 5544. Beatrice Wood: My life is full of mistakes. They're like pebbles that make a good road.

- 5545. Joanne Woodward: Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man w ...

- 5546. Patricia C. Wrede: Always be polite to a dragon. It's harder than it sounds. Dragon etiquette is in ...

- 5547. Ed Wynn: A bachelor is a man who never makes the same mistake once.

- 5548. Gao Xingjian: Love is so holy, so confusing. It makes a man anxious, tormented. Love, how can ...

- 5549. Al Yankovic: At this point I've got a bit of a track record. So people realize that when 'Wei ...

- 5550. William Butler Yeats: Every conquering temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial e ...

- 5551. William Butler Yeats: I have believed the best of every man. And find that to believe is enough to mak ...

- 5552. William Butler Yeats: Too long a sacrifice can make a stone of the heart. O when may it suffice?

- 5553. Boris Yeltsin: You can make a throne of bayonets, but you can't sit on it for long.

- 5554. Edward Young: The house of laughter makes a house of woe.

- 5555. Loretta Young: As soon as I get home from a day of work, I bathe, brush my hair, put on fresh m ...

- 5556. Loretta Young: I'ts heartbreaking to see many people who merely long for success. They're on a ...

- 5557. Loretta Young: In my dreams, I could be a Princess, and that's what I was. Like most little gir ...

- 5558. Loretta Young: Just because you want to be glamorous, don't be a sheep about your eye makeup.

- 5559. Marguerite Young: I think that the style is the writing, a beautiful sense of style. And if you do ...

- 5560. Lu Yu: Its goodness is a decision for the mouth to make.

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