5889 Quotations with Make.
- 5521. Zoe Wanamaker: I always thought 'sitcom' meant sitting-down comedy. I really did! I mean, whene ...

- 5522. Zoe Wanamaker: I don't have the confidence to be a personality.

- 5523. Zoe Wanamaker: Some actors signed three-film deals but the money was so crap I was insulted so ...

- 5524. Rodger Ward: I assure you that the training that you get in a midget, in a sprint car and per ...

- 5525. Estella Warren: Coming from a barely clothed childhood as a swimmer makes me really comfortable ...

- 5526. Dennis Weaver: When we realize we can make a buck cleaning up the environment, it will be done!

- 5527. Jimmy Webb: You reach a certain point in your life where they things you do and say do make ...

- 5528. Chris Wedge: Fox came to us with the concept for ICE AGE and they came to us with the first d ...

- 5529. Chris Wedge: We can't worry about competition. Besides, you aren't competing with anyone but ...

- 5530. Johnny Weissmuller: How can a guy climb trees, say Me, Tarzan, you, Jane, and make a million? The pu ...

- 5531. David Wells: To pitch a perfect game wearing pinstripes at Yankee Stadium, it's unbelievable. ...

- 5532. Christie Todd Whitman: Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference has never tried t ...

- 5533. Gene Wilder: Woody makes a movie as if he were lighting 10,000 safety matches to illuminate a ...

- 5534. Tad Williams: Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. ...

- 5535. Kit Williams: Once upon a perfect night, unclouded and still, there came the face of a pale an ...

- 5536. Thomas Willis: Persons that are stupid we may imagine, sometimes an excess of some manifest qua ...

- 5537. Gary Wills: The leader is one who mobilizes others toward a goal shared by leaders and follo ...

- 5538. Torrie Wilson: I like the performing part, it gives me a huge rush but it still makes me nervou ...

- 5539. Torrie Wilson: I was dating a guy that was a huge wrestling fan and I'm embarrassed to say it n ...

- 5540. Gretchen Wilson: It became apparent to me really fast that I wasn't going to be able to make a li ...

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