3555 Quotations with Into.
- 2801. Marilyn Gardner: The gift of the family novelist is to turn the cleaning of a closet into an inve ...

- 2802. Vittorio Gassman: Acting is not that far from mental disease: An actor works on splitting his char ...

- 2803. Sunil Gavaskar: Comparisons are really no good in sport, especially if it is a comparison betwee ...

- 2804. James M. Gavin: When we jumped into Sicily, the units became separated, and I couldn't find anyo ...

- 2805. Willard Gaylin: English is such a deliciously complex and undisciplined language, we can bend, f ...

- 2806. William E. Geist: George, a camel, stepped on the foot of a Rockette; six sheep came off the eleva ...

- 2807. Dick Gephardt: Why would we want to keep a tax cut that's failed? Why would we not want to go b ...

- 2808. Carol Gilligan: I don't see myself as an icon. I was very moved by the response to my book; it b ...

- 2809. Carol Gilligan: It all goes back, of course, to Adam and Eve - a story which shows among other t ...

- 2810. Garrett M. Graff: I think, though, that people will read into a reporter's story a bias that they ...

- 2811. Bill Granger: A lot of real Chicago lives in the neighborhood taverns. It is the mixed German ...

- 2812. Andy Gray: I was in Moldova airport and I went into the duty-free shop - and there wasn't a ...

- 2813. Bede Griffiths: God has graced every tradition with insight into the divine mystery, from the mo ...

- 2814. Bede Griffiths: The inspiration came suddenly again to surrender to the Mother. It was quite une ...

- 2815. Bede Griffiths: This process of change since my stroke has been very gradual. It is going on all ...

- 2816. Alain Robbe Grillet: The art of the novel, however, has fallen into such a state of stagnation - a la ...

- 2817. Burleigh Grimes: I saw a lot of good hitters but I never saw a better one than Paul Waner. I mean ...

- 2818. Ben Gurion: Our policy must be the unity of the human race. The world is divided into two bl ...

- 2819. Ernst Haas: With photography a new language has been created. Now for the first time it is p ...

- 2820. Alexander Haig: Those who are seeking ways to tap into the potential of e-mail will find themsel ...

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