3555 Quotations with Into.
- 2781. Emma Goldman: No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution... revolu ...

- 2782. Mary Gordon: It's like walking into a cathedral. It reminds me that what I do in the world is ...

- 2783. Gale Gordon: Lucille didn't care about messing herself up. A lot of stars of her stature woul ...

- 2784. Gale Gordon: Radio wasn't so bad because you didn't have to memorize the lines. But you did h ...

- 2785. Gale Gordon: The last thing in the world I should have done was go into the theater because w ...

- 2786. Amy Grant: I know how it feels to go into a studio to start a record, and eight weeks later ...

- 2787. Amy Grant: Music took a bunch of average-Joe Christians who could play electric guitar and ...

- 2788. Amy Grant: Touring full-time with children is a study in sleep deprivation'the day never en ...

- 2789. Amy Grant: Well, I do know that some of the most rewarding, exciting twists in my life are ...

- 2790. Anne Grant: Just as the body goes into shock after a physical trauma, so does the human psyc ...

- 2791. Andrew Greeley: I was never a teenager. I became a teenager in Christ the King and I never grew ...

- 2792. Andrew Greeley: I write easily, let's put it that way. And in a novel particularly, the characte ...

- 2793. Andrew Greeley: Well, the Irish aren't much into showing affection. There was crisis when we wer ...

- 2794. Julian Green: A child's fear is a world whose dark corners are quite unknown to grownup people ...

- 2795. Robert Gross: The glowing magma emerges like redhot toothpaste from a long, wide crack and the ...

- 2796. Alma Guillermoprieto: Hotel rooms, for example, are good places for me to write because they're so fre ...

- 2797. Alma Guillermoprieto: The best translators slip into the glove of a text and then turn it inside out i ...

- 2798. Alma Guillermoprieto: Translation is a notoriously thankless profession: there is absolutely no money ...

- 2799. James Gunn: What you call the Golden Age tradition of stringing stories together into novels ...

- 2800. George Galloway: I am an opponent of Saddam Hussein, but an opponent also, of the sanctions that ...

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