578 Quotations with Flow.
- 401. Clarence Page: Most African Americans, if given a chance, would have chosen to be 'just America ...

- 402. Will Rogers: My folks were Indian. Both my mother and father had Cherokee blood in them. born ...

- 403. Franklin D. Roosevelt: All of our people all over the country--except the pure-blooded Indians--are imm ...

- 404. Achmad Sukarno: Nationalism cannot flower if it does not grow in the garden of internationalism.

- 405. Annamalai Swami: If you see good in people, you radiate a harmonious loving energy which uplifts ...

- 406. Carl Frederick Buechner: Your life and my life flow into each other as wave flows into wave, and unless t ...

- 407. Dorothy Day: We plant seeds that will flower as results in our lives, so best to remove the w ...

- 408. Thich Nhat Hanh: In April, we cannot see sunflowers in France, so we might say the sunflowers do ...

- 409. Neil J. Seattle: If we don't stop the bomb who will take care of the flowers?

- 410. John Greenleaf Whittier: The dark night is over and dawn has begun. Rise, hope of the ages, arise like th ...

- 411. Theodore Roethke: Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.

- 412. Lane Secretan: Leadership flows from the minds of followers more than from the titles of leader ...

- 413. Shana Alexander: The law changes and flows like water, and the stream of women's rights law has b ...

- 414. David Allen: When most people sit down to make a list, they're actually trying to combine all ...

- 415. Anacreon: Bring water, bring wine, boy! Bring flowering garlands to me! Yes, bring them, s ...

- 416. Hans Christian Anderson: Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flowe ...

- 417. Liberty Hyde Bailey: The sense of conquest is in it. Not often is a collector able to obtain complete ...

- 418. Steve Ballmer: The lifeblood of our business is that R&D spend. There's nothing that flows thro ...

- 419. Dave Barry: I am not a violent person. I am a product of the Flower Power '60s. I have actua ...

- 420. Henry Walter Bates: I suffered terribly from heat and mosquitoes as the river sank with the increasi ...

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