578 Quotations with Flow.
- 381. Henry David Thoreau: Whether the flower looks better in the nosegay than in the meadow where it grew ...

- 382. Enid Bagnold: Who wants to become a writer? And why? Because it's the answer to everything. To ...

- 383. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Whoever will cultivate their own mind will find full employment. Every virtue do ...

- 384. Norman Douglas: Why always, "not yet"? Do flowers in spring say, "not yet"?

- 385. Leo Buscaglia: Why do some people always see beautiful skies and grass and lovely flowers and i ...

- 386. Sean O'Casey: Work! labor the asparagus me of life; the one great sacrament of humanity from w ...

- 387. Norman Vincent Peale: You can have peace of mind, improved health and an ever-increasing flow of energ ...

- 388. Heraclitus: You cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters are continually flow ...

- 389. John Ruskin: You may chisel a boy into shape, as you would a rock, or hammer him into it, if ...

- 390. Robert Collier: You must intensify and render continuous by repeatedly presenting with suggestiv ...

- 391. Thomas Traherne: You never enjoy the world aright, till the sea itself floweth in your veins, til ...

- 392. Frederick Buechner: Your life and my life flow into each other as wave flows into wave, and unless t ...

- 393. Victor Hugo: oTears unshed are far more bitter than those that flow.

- 394. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Love is like a flower, give it time and it will grow

- 395. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.

- 396. William Blake: The cistern contains: the fountain overflows.

- 397. William Blake: To create a little flower is the labour of ages.

- 398. Jane Addams: In the unceasing ebb and flow of justice and oppression we must all dig channels ...

- 399. James Baldwin: What passes for identity in America is a series of myths about one's heroic ance ...

- 400. Susan Faludi: A backlash against women's rights is nothing new. Indeed it's a recurring phenom ...

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