438 Quotations with Door.
- 221. Clara Barton: The door that nobody else will go in at, seems always to swing open widely for m ...

- 222. Author Unknown: The door to success is the one marked PUSH.

- 223. Benjamin Franklin: The doors of wisdom are never shut.

- 224. Charles Haddon Spurgeon: The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is the knowledge of our own ignorance.

- 225. Thomas a Kempis: The enemy is more easily overcome if he be not suffered to enter the door of our ...

- 226. Julian Clary: The English like eccentrics. They just don't like them living next door.

- 227. Julian Clary: The English like eccentrics. They just don't like them living next door.

- 228. Will Garcia: The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you open t ...

- 229. Will Garcia: The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you open t ...

- 230. Author Unknown: The ideal life is in our blood and never will be still. Sad will be the day for ...

- 231. Gerald Early: The Miss America contest is the most perfectly rendered theater in our culture, ...

- 232. Sir William Ramsay: The noblest exercise of the mind within doors, and most befitting a person of qu ...

- 233. Sir William Ramsay: The noblest exercise of the mind within doors, and most befitting a person of qu ...

- 234. William Hazlitt: The person whose doors I enter with most pleasure, and quit with most regret, ne ...

- 235. Rosie Perez: The racism, the sexism, I never let it be my problem, it's their problem. If I s ...

- 236. Chi Lin: The real being, with no status, is always going in and out through the doors of ...

- 237. Aleister Crowley: The supreme satisfaction is to be able to despise one's neighbor and this fact g ...

- 238. H. L. Mencken: The truth is that the average schoolmaster, on all the lower levels, is and alwa ...

- 239. Robert M. Pirsig: The truth knocks on the door and you say, go away, I'm looking for the truth, an ...

- 240. Eddie Robinson: The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... ...

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