Famous Quotes
438 Quotations with Door.
- 201. The Koran: Prayer carries us half way to God, fasting brings us to the door of His palace, ...
- 202. Author Unknown: Prayer is the key that opens the door to all that is good in life.
- 203. LAT Van Dooren: Praying is learned by praying.
- 204. LAT Van Dooren: Praying is learned by praying.
- 205. Marcus Valerius Martial: Rarity gives a charm; so early fruits and winter roses are the most prized; and ...
- 206. Konstantin Stanislavisky: Remember this practical piece of advice: never come into the theatre with mud on ...
- 207. Howard Hendricks: Some people expect the door of opportunity to be opened with an electric eye.
- 208. Howard Hendricks: Some people expect the door of opportunity to be opened with an electric eye.
- 209. Susan B. Anthony: Sooner or later we all discover that the important moments in life are not the a ...
- 210. Mother Teresa: Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your ...
- 211. Dottie Walters: Success is not a doorway, it's a staircase.
- 212. Dottie Walters: Success is not a doorway, it's a staircase.
- 213. James Ellroy: The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waitin ...
- 214. James Ellroy: The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waitin ...
- 215. Author Unknown: The back of one door is the face of another.
- 216. Author Unknown: The charitable give out at the door and God puts in at the window.
- 217. Christopher Morley: The courage of the poets is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness.
- 218. Christopher Morley: The courage of the poets is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness.
- 219. Author Unknown: The door of opportunity won't open unless you do some pushing.
- 220. Author Unknown: The door of opportunity won't open unless you do some pushing.