591 Quotations with Adam.
- 241. John Adams: Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or ...

- 242. William Adams: Faith is a continuation of reason.

- 243. John Adams: Fear is the foundation of most government.

- 244. Douglas Adams: Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

- 245. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek: For is it not true that human progress is but a mighty growing pattern woven tog ...

- 246. George M. Adams: Fortify yourself with a flock of friends! You can select them at random, write t ...

- 247. Madame Neckar: Fortune does not change men; it unmasks them.

- 248. Adam Clayton Powell: Freedom is an internal achievement rather than an external adjustment.

- 249. John Adams: Genius is sorrow's child.

- 250. Maude Adams: Genius is the talent for seeing things straight. It is seeing things in a straig ...

- 251. Mary Adams: Happiness is a tide: it carries you only a little way at a time; but you have co ...

- 252. Adam Smith: Happiness never lays its finger on its pulse.

- 253. George M. Adams: He who does not get fun and enjoyment out of every day... needs to reorganize hi ...

- 254. Franklin P. Adams: Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.

- 255. John Adams: Here is everything which can lay hold of the eye, ear and imagination -- everyth ...

- 256. Adam Smith: Humanity is the virtue of a woman, generosity that of a man.

- 257. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek: I am convinced that we must train not only the head, but the heart and hand as w ...

- 258. Madame Marie Curie: I am one of those who think like Nobel, that humanity will draw more good than e ...

- 259. W. S. Gilbert: I am, in point of fact, a particularly haughty and exclusive person, of pre-Adam ...

- 260. Adam Duritz: I can write good songs. I can sing 'em, and I mean it, I mean it deeply, and I p ...

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