591 Quotations with Adam.
- 221. Ralph Waldo Emerson: All that Adam had, all that Caesar could, you have and can do.... Build, therefo ...

- 222. John Quincy Adams: Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sw ...

- 223. Henry Brooks Adams: American society is a sort of flat, fresh-water pond which absorbs silently, wit ...

- 224. Georges Bernanos: And what have you laymen made of hell? A kind of penal servitude for eternity, o ...

- 225. Henry Brooks Adams: As for America, it is the ideal fruit of all your youthful hopes and reforms. Ev ...

- 226. John Adams: As much as I converse with sages and heroes, they have very little of my love an ...

- 227. Joey Lauren Adams: Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding in which you put your money in your pants pocke ...

- 228. Martin Luther: Cannons and firearms are cruel and damnable machines. I believe them to have bee ...

- 229. Thomas Traherne: Certainly Adam in Paradise had not more sweet and curious apprehensions of the w ...

- 230. Henry Brooks Adams: Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit.

- 231. Charlotte Bronte: Consistency, madam, is the first of Christian duties.

- 232. Joey Lauren Adams: Do not worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older it will avoid you.

- 233. Madame C.J. Walker: Don't sit down and wait for the opportunities to come; you have to get up and ma ...

- 234. Pierre De Beaumarchais: Drinking, when we are not thirsty and making love all year round, madam; that is ...

- 235. George M. Adams: Each day can be one of triumph if you keep up your interests.

- 236. Franklin P. Adams: Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against some ...

- 237. Sheryl Adams: Energy is equal to desire and purpose.

- 238. Madame De Stall: Enthusiasm signifies God in us.

- 239. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek: Every clique is a refuge for incompetence. It fosters corruption and disloyalty, ...

- 240. Henry Brooks Adams: Everyone carries his own inch rule of taste, and amuses himself by applying it, ...

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