1609 English Proverbs / Page 155
- 1541. Without sleep, no health.
 - 1542. Woe to the house where there is no chiding.
 - 1543. Women are like wasps in their anger.
 - 1544. Women in mischief are wiser than men.
 - 1545. Work expands so as to fill the time available.
 - 1546. Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere.
 - 1547. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at the present.
 - 1548. Write with the learned, but speak with the vulgar.
 - 1549. Year of snow fruit will grow.
 - 1550. Years know more than books.

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