1609 English Proverbs / Page 154
- 1531. Wide ears and short tongue are the best.
 - 1532. Wine sets an edge to wit.
 - 1533. Wink at small faults unless you can cast the first stone.
 - 1534. Winners never cheat and cheaters never win.
 - 1535. Winter's thunder is summer's wonder.
 - 1536. Wise men make proverbs but fools repeat them.
 - 1537. Wit is more often a shield than a lance.
 - 1538. Witches and harlots come out at night.
 - 1539. With one child you may walk; with two you may ride; when you have three, at home you must bide.
 - 1540. Without danger we cannot get beyond danger.

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