1852 Chinese Proverbs / Page 134
- 1331. The conversation of the wise concerns ideas; that of the intelligent is about ideas; the common folk talk about food.
 - 1332. The corn is not choked by the weeds but by the negligence of the farmer.
 - 1333. The country where flowers are expensive lacks the foundation of culture.
 - 1334. The court official in one life has seven rebirths as a beggar.
 - 1335. The day your horse dies and your money's gone, your relatives change into strangers.
 - 1336. The delicacy of the feast is the learned guest.
 - 1337. The devil can quote Scripture for his own ends.
 - 1338. The diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor the man perfected without trials.
 - 1339. The dog that has bitten bites again.
 - 1340. The door to virtue is heavy and hard to open.

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