1852 Chinese Proverbs / Page 133
- 1321. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.
 - 1322. The black dog gets the food; the white dog gets the blame.
 - 1323. The brave person regards dying as just going home.
 - 1324. The broad-minded see the truth in different religions; the narrow-minded see only the differences.
 - 1325. The butterfly becomes only when it's entirely ready.
 - 1326. The careful foot can walk anywhere.
 - 1327. The cat got an order and delegated it to her tail.
 - 1328. The company of the wicked is like living in a fish market; one becomes used to the foul odor.
 - 1329. The conquerors are kings; the defeated are bandits.
 - 1330. The contented person can never be ruined.

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