2049 African Proverbs / Page 180
- 1791. When a cat wants to eat its own kitten it accuses them of smelling like rats.
 - 1792. When a chick ignores its mother's warning, the eagle grasps it for a meal.
 - 1793. When a child is asleep a mother's attention is on the child's stomach.
 - 1794. When a cock invites a cockroach for a birthday party, he has prepared dinner for himself.
 - 1795. When a cow is crying, a dog is making a party.
 - 1796. When a coward sees a man he can beat he becomes hungry for a fight.
 - 1797. When a cricket is quiet, it is digging.
 - 1798. When a dog cannot bite, it has a bone in its mouth.
 - 1799. When a fool is cursed, he thinks he is being praised.
 - 1800. When a four-year child is still crawling instead of walking it is time to cry out.

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