2049 African Proverbs / Page 179
- 1781. What you do with injustice often backfires.
 - 1782. What you eat now comes out later.
 - 1783. What you help a child to love can be more important than what you help him to learn.
 - 1784. What you learn is what you die with.
 - 1785. What you may call small another will call it big.
 - 1786. Whatever accomplishment you boast of in the world, there is someone better than you.
 - 1787. Whatever nourished the goat until it grew a beard will continue to sustain him.
 - 1788. When a bee stings a man, he doesn't set off to destroy all beehives.
 - 1789. When a blind man is happy he gives money to his child to buy kerosene for his lamp.
 - 1790. When a blind man tells you he is going to throw a stone, know that his foot is on the stone.

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