Famous Proverbs
370 Proverbs about Wife / Page 35
341. I winna mak a toil o' a pleasure, quo' the man when he buried his wife and was asked to speed it up.
342. I'm but beginning yet, quo' the wife when she run wud.
343. It's a' outs an' ins, like Willie Wood's wife's wame.
344. Lang straes are nae motes, quo' the wife when she haul'd the eat out o' the kirn.
345. Learn your gudewife to mak milk kail.
346. Like the wife wi' the mony dochters, the best's aye hindmost.
347. Mills an wifes is aye wantin.
348. Stable the steed, and put your wife to bed when there's night wark to do.
349. To keep their ain hole clean, the minister's wife should put away old things as often as needed.
350. Ye may drive the deil into a wife, but ye'll ne'er ding him oot o' her.