Famous Proverbs
370 Proverbs about Wife / Page 34
331. Nae man can thrive unless his wife let him.
332. Never seek a wife till ye ken what to do with her.
333. Ye have tane't upon you as the wife did the dancing.
334. Who has got a good wife has found a good thing.
335. A girl who cannot patch man's trousers in between the legs, must not marry at all, because what use does a man have of such a stupid wife.
336. The man who can sharpen hundred stakes between two meals, can take a wife.
337. When a man wants a wife, he wants but a wife; But when he has got a wife, he wants a great deal.
338. If you are wise, look after your house; love your wife without alloy.
339. A grunting horse and a graneing wife seldom fail their master.
340. He that has a wife has a maister.