Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does UBI stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Unexplained Beer InjuryChat and Slang
- UbiquicidinMedical
- UbiquinoneMedical
- UbiquitinMedical
- Ultraviolet Blood IrradiationMedical
- Understanding British IndustryEducation
- Unemployment Benefits InterceptGovernment
- Uniform Business IdentifierGovernment
- United Bank of IndiaBusiness
- United Bicycle InstituteEducation
- United Business InstitutesEducation
- Unrelated Business IncomeEducation
- Uplink Block IdentifierTechnology
- Uranium BismuthideCommon
- Usage Billing InformationCommon
UBI Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary