Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TPT stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Twisted Pair TransceiverTechnology
- Tactical Petroleum TerminalMilitary
- Temporary Power TapScience
- ConrailOrganizations
- Tactual Performance TestMedical
- Target Practice with TracerCommon
- Television Picture TerminalTechnology
- Tetraphenyl TetrazoliumMedical
- The Plot ThickensChat and Slang
- Thermal Penetration TheoryCommon
- Third Party TargetingMilitary
- Three-Point TurnCommon
- Tibialis Posterior TendonMedical
- Time-to-Peak TensionMedical
- TopotecanMedical
- Total Potential TrypsinMedical
- Trailer Park TrashChat and Slang
- Train Positioning and TrackingTechnology
- Transferred Pressure TransducerTechnology
- Transmission Path TranslatorCommon
TPT Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary