Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TLC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Tender Loving CareChat and Slang
Thin Layer ChromatographyScience
Traffic Load ControlMilitary
Triple Lumen CatheterMedical
Typed Lambda CalculiCommon
Trinity Lutheran CollegeEducation
Trilateral Labeling CommitteeCommon
Trichotillomania Learning CenterEducation
Trichilemmal CarcinomaMedical
Tree of Life CharterEducation
Treatment of Lead-Exposed ChildrenMedical
Trauma and Loss ConsultantMedical
Transitional Learning CtrEducation
Transition Learning CenterEducation
Total Lymphocyte CountsMedical
Total Lymphocyte CountMedical
Total Lung CapacityMedical
Total Lung CapacitiesMedical
Total Loss ControlCommon
TLC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary