Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TLC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Test Loop CombinationMilitary
Test Life CycleScience
Territory Logistics CenterMilitary
Tender Love CaringChat and Slang
Tender Love and CareChat and Slang
Ten Large CountiesGovernment
Telephone-Linked CareMedical
Teens Living with CancerMedical
Technology Life and CareersEducation
Technical Learning CenterTechnology
Technical Lan CoordinatorCommon
Team Leaders CourseCommon
Teaching for Literacy CompetenceEducation
Teaching and Learning CentreOrganizations
Teacher Learning CommunityEducation
Task Level ControlCommon
Tank Landing CraftCommon
t-Cell ClonesMedical
t Lymphocyte ClonesMedical
TLC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary