Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TLC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Test Loop CombinationMilitary
- Test Life CycleScience
- Territory Logistics CenterMilitary
- Tender Love CaringChat and Slang
- Tender Love and CareChat and Slang
- Ten Large CountiesGovernment
- Telephone-Linked CareMedical
- Teens Living with CancerMedical
- Technology Life and CareersEducation
- Technical Learning CenterTechnology
- Technical Lan CoordinatorCommon
- Team Leaders CourseCommon
- Teaching for Literacy CompetenceEducation
- Teaching and Learning CentreOrganizations
- Teacher Learning CommunityEducation
- TaurolithocholateMedical
- Task Level ControlCommon
- Tank Landing CraftCommon
- t-Cell ClonesMedical
- t Lymphocyte ClonesMedical
TLC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary