Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TLA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Three Letter AcronymTechnology
Thin Layer ActivationScience
Temporary Lodging AllowanceMilitary
Three Letter AbbreviationTechnology
Transition LayerMilitary
Tadpole Liberation ArmyCommon
Takerus Lost AngelCommon
Tax Lien AssociatesCommon
Teaching, Learning and AssessmentEducation
Teen Living AssessmentGovernment
Temporal Logic of ActionsCommon
Temporary Life AssuranceBusiness
Temporary Living AllowanceMilitary
Territorial Local AuthorityGovernment
Texas Library AssociationCommon
Texian Legacy AssociationCommon
The Last AllianceCommon
The Love ArtistsCommon
Theater of the Living ArtsCommon
Theatre Library AssociationCommon
TLA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary