Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does STC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Satellite Test CenterTechnology
- Sensitivity-Time ControlMilitary
- Society for Technical CommunicationTechnology
- Scientific and Technical CommitteeTechnology
- Short Time ConstantTechnology
- Standard Transmission CodeTechnology
- Secure Transaction ChannelTechnology
- Spacecraft Test ConductorTechnology
- Sub-Technical CommitteeTechnology
- Switching Technical CenterTechnology
- System Test ComplexTechnology
- System Test ControllerScience
- Science and Technology CenterTechnology
- Secondary Traffic ChannelMilitary
- Shape Technical CenterScience
- Short-Term ConcentrationScience
- Sound Transmission ClassCommon
- Space Technology CenterScience
- Standard Test ConfigurationScience
- Superconductivity Technology CenterScience
STC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary