Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SMG stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Spaceflight Meteorology GroupTechnology
- Spacecraft Meteorology GroupTechnology
- Special Mobile GroupTechnology
- Software Message GeneratorMilitary
- Sub Machine GunMilitary
- s-GlutathioneMedical
- Sarah Michelle GellarCommon
- Schweizerische Mathematische GesellschaftCommon
- Schweizerische Metallurgische GesellschaftCommon
- Scientific and Management GroupScience
- Scotts CompanyOrganizations
- Screen Management GuideScience
- Screen Management GuidelinesCommon
- Secure Mail GuardMilitary
- Semantic Message GatewayCommon
- Senior Management GroupScience
- Serum MagnesiumMedical
- Serum MgMedical
- Simulated MicrogravityMedical
- Software Management GroupTechnology
SMG Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary