Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SAM stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Surface to Air MissileMilitary
- Sequential Access MethodTechnology
- Stratospheric Aerosol MeasurementTechnology
- SamsungOrganizations
- Scanning Acoustic MicroscopeTechnology
- Sequential Access MemoryTechnology
- Shuttle Attachment ManipulatorTechnology
- Single Application ModeTechnology
- Sort and MergeTechnology
- Subsequent Address MessageTechnology
- System Activation and MonitoringTechnology
- System Activity MonitorTechnology
- Scanning Acoustic MicroscopyScience
- Scanning Auger MicroscopyScience
- Security Access ManagerTechnology
- Self-Assembled MonolayerScience
- Semantic Analyzing MachineTechnology
- Simulation of Analog MethodsTechnology
- Society for Advancement of ManagementTechnology
- Software Acquisition ManagementTechnology
SAM Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary