Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SAE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Society of Automotive EngineersTechnology
- Serious Adverse EventMedical
- Sociey of Automotive EngineersScience
- Stamped Addressed EnvelopeChat and Slang
- Iata Code for Sangir Airport, Sangir, IndonesiaLocations
- Santee Alternative EducationEducation
- School of Arts and EnterpriseEducation
- School of Audio EngineeringEducation
- Schwinn Air-Dyne ErgometerMedical
- Selective Area EpitaxyCommon
- Self Addressed EnvelopeGovernment
- Senior Alternate EducationEducation
- Serious Adverse EventsMedical
- Service Acquisition ExecutiveMilitary
- Shaft-Angle EncoderCommon
- Shape Asymmetry EvaluatorMedical
- Signal Analysis and ExploitationMilitary
- Signal-Averaged ElectrocardiogramMedical
- Signal-Averaged ElectrocardiographyMedical
- Site Acceptance EvaluationMilitary
SAE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary