Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does OLC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Oak Leaf ClusterMilitary
On-Line ComputerScience
Output Level ControlTechnology
Occupation Level CrossingTechnology
Office of Legal CounselGovernment
Oglala Lakota CollegeEducation
Oligodendrocyte-Like CellsMedical
On- Line ClassroomEducation
Onion-Like CarbonCommon
Ontario Land CorporationCommon
Ontario Library CouncilCommon
Open Level CrossingBusiness
Open Logical ChannelMilitary
Open Lung ConceptMedical
Open-Loop ControlCommon
Optical Loop CarrierMilitary
Osprey Learning CenterEducation
Osteoclast-Like CellMedical
Osteoclast-Like CellsMedical
Ouabain-Like CompoundMedical
OLC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary