Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MWA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Momentum Wheel AssemblyScience
- Iata Code for Williamson County Regional Airport, Marion, Illinois, United StatesLocations
- Maintenance Work AreaScience
- Management WalkaroundScience
- Measure-Ware AgentMilitary
- Memorandum of Working AgreementMilitary
- Men with AttitudesChat and Slang
- Meteorological Watch AdvisoryCommon
- Migraine with AuraMedical
- Migraine Without AuraMedical
- Missanabie Woods AcademyEducation
- Mojave Water AgencyTechnology
- Momentum Wheel AssembliesTechnology
- Morale and Welfare ActivitiesMilitary
- Multiple Word AcronymChat and Slang
- MwahChat and Slang
MWA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary